World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day

Perhaps not a topic you would immediately consider to be employment related by have you ever considered just how important access to bathrooms is for your co-workers and employees with disabilities? 🚽  Well, today (Nov 19, 2024) is World Toilet Day, a global day created by the UN. It’s also International Men’s Day for anyone playing along at home.   On the most basic of levels, we all understand that accessible toilets in the workplace and public areas are designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities. The key features of accessible toilets could include:  Height...

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What do the words “Post Placement” mean to you?  

What do the words “Post Placement” mean to you?  

Post-placement support for people with disabilities involves ongoing assistance provided after they have secured a job. We also knew that often it was the employer who needed additional support after hiring a person with a physical disability. This support aims to help both the employee and the employer and ensure a smooth transition into sustained employment. 

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