If you are in the HR industry, you’ll have some idea what the term Post Placement means, but did you know that for Team EmployAbility, those words are more than just a descriptor, they are an oath we swear by?

For those who don’t know, a Post Placement refers to the service received after a candidate has been placed into a new role. Often the recruitment provider will stay in contact for a matter of weeks following the placement, ensuring the role is as advertised and that the candidate is being treated accordingly. 

Our own lived experience had taught us that this service was critical to a successful arrangement. A solid post placement service is crucial to stay in play long after the honeymoon phase has ended between employer and employee. Post-placement support for people with disabilities involves ongoing assistance provided after they have secured a job. We also knew that often it was the employer who needed additional support after hiring a person with a physical disability. This support aims to help both the employee and the employer and ensure a smooth transition into sustained employment. 

We brought our skills together and drafted a policy we are proud of. One we are now famous for. 

Our Employment team offer 6 months + of post placement care. In fact, it’s not uncommon for us to be still in regular contact at the 12 month mark! 

Thank you so much for the Post Placement Support over the past 6 months and for always putting me and my needs first no matter how busy you were, I always have felt heard throughout the good times and the not so good times.(candidate feedback, July 2024). 

Here are some key aspects: 

  • Employability coaches maintain regular contact with the employee to address any issues that arise and ensure they receive the necessary support early in the placement. 
  • With the employee’s consent, support is also extended to the employer to help them understand and accommodate the employee’s accessibility needs. 
  • Employees have access to a dedicated coach and mentor with lived experience who assists them with any challenges they face in their new role. This includes liaising with job access to ensure their accessibility needs are met.   
  • This support can last for up to 6 months depending on the individual’s needs. This comprehensive support system is designed to help individuals with disabilities thrive in their new roles and maintain long-term employment. 

From the moment our candidates are placed in their dream roles, out comes the clipboard and magnifying glasses. We work with all parties to ensure all concerns that may arise in the workplace are addressed then solved. Any training, any coaching am mentor opportunities are offered, and of course, any workplace modifications/adjustments are made.  

But most importantly, we ensure mental health is the top priority. We will coordinate with other support services or agencies that may be involved in the candidate’s case, such as health professionals, counsellors, or advocates. 

“I’ve come to appreciate what is has been able to do for me, and I looked forward every week to the meetings because it gave me confidence, which I was full of before but had none of after my stroke” (candidate feedback, Feb 2023) 

Post Placement should never be a box ticking, set and forget exercise, because you are a human being with individualised needs and wants. True workplace partnerships begin when both parties feel safe, secure and heard.  

“I probably wouldn’t be in the workforce if it wasn’t for them, and I wouldn’t have been promoted after only 5 months in my new job is my employment coach hadn’t stood by me” (candidate feedback, Dec 2022) 

We can’t wait to place you.