“Psychological barriers are often underestimated, yet significant challenge when it comes to disability employment”

This month we sat down with Team Lead, Employment Coach, Dominika Jachym. Leading our Employment team nationwide, Dominika is a qualified counsellor, with experience in the community and disability sectors. She joined EmployAbility in 2021 to help develop and deliver the EmployAbility Job Search Skills Training program.

I really enjoy working with participants throughout the program and seeing their confidence increase as they are setting up goals, building up knowledge and improving job search skills. As I have been born with Cerebral Palsy myself, I can relate to, and have come across number of challenges job seekers with disability may face when looking for employment.

While some of the barriers are physical, relating to accessibility, other challenges may be more psychological and at times even more difficult to notice, invisible barriers are often underestimated, yet significant challenge when it comes to disability employment. Creating a non-judgemental space where people can identify possible challenges, and more importantly look at possible solutions, is very rewarding.

As we go through the EmployAbility program, we focus a lot on the mindset of a successful job seeker. Just like practical tools – cover letter or a resume are important, the right mindset is crucial in identifying opportunities, securing employment and thriving at work.

Particularly when people have been out of work for quite some time, or have experienced barriers to employment and discrimination, lack of confidence and self-doubt can be a significant challenge, at times even stopping people from submitting a job application in the first place.

To me seeing people becoming more confident in their job search journey or to pursue study and their interests in general, is just as rewarding as hearing about someone securing employment” says Dominika.

Dominika came to Australia from Poland in the early 2000’s, fell in love with our beautiful country and decided to make Adelaide home. She has picked up some very Aussie traits like coffee snobbery (loves a strong oak milk drip coffee) and mateship, often building report with program’s participants who she continues to support even after finishing the online course. But when it comes to food, Pierogi (Polish dumplings) win over vegemite every single time!

Dominika is an incredibly valued member of team EmployAbility and when you’ll make the brave decision to start exploring the job market again, she will be there, ready to listen and coach you every step of the way.