An important topic for organisations to consider when developing workplace documentations and procedures: Disability and emergency preparedness.

It’s crucial to prioritise the needs of individuals with disabilities when it comes to planning for and responding to emergencies.


Be Prepared:

Bring out your childhood Scout/Brownie and Be Prepared from day one. EmployAbility strongly recommends each and every employee with a disability completes their own PEEP document. PEEP stands for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. The document is completed by the employee, HR, and the organisations Fire Warden. If you would like a copy of our PEEP, please get in contact.

Accessibility Matters:

When emergencies strike, accessibility becomes a matter of life and death. People with disabilities face unique challenges in evacuation, access to emergency shelters, communication, and receiving essential services. By ensuring accessibility, we can make a difference in their safety and well-being during crisis situations. An EmployAbility DISC can help you identity any potential issues, especially tripping hazards that so commonly become objects to be mindful of for PWD. You’d be surprised at just how often emergency exits become blocked off for wheelchair users.

Inclusive Communication:

Effective communication is key in emergency situations, but it often falls short in reaching individuals with disabilities. Let’s advocate for inclusive communication strategies, such as providing information in accessible formats (braille, large print, audio), using sign language interpreters, and utilising technology for real-time updates.

Community Engagement:

It’s vital to engage with the disability community when developing emergency preparedness plans. By actively involving individuals with disabilities, we can better understand their needs, concerns, and suggestions. Together, we can create inclusive strategies that leave no one behind. Remember the phrase “Nothing about us, without us”.

Training and Education:

Education plays a crucial role in empowering both individuals with disabilities and emergency responders. Let’s support initiatives that provide training on disability awareness, inclusive emergency response, and best practices for accommodating diverse needs. Knowledge is power, and together, we can build a more inclusive and resilient society. This is where our BEC (Building Employer Confidence) training can really help both employees and the organisation.

Spread Awareness:

Share this post and help raise awareness about the importance of disability-inclusive emergency preparedness. Together, we can combat the barriers that prevent equal access and inclusion during emergencies. Let’s create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued, protected, and empowered.

We strongly advocate for our clients. We know that Disability Inclusion only takes your considerate thought.

So please, remember, disability inclusion shouldn’t be an afterthought—it’s a fundamental part of emergency preparedness.

Let’s work together to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, has equal access to safety and support during challenging times.