The disability sector uses many acronyms, terms and phrases that you may have never come across before. It can feel very overwhelming as you learn to navigate this space.

This glossary is an active work in progress that Team EmployAbility will constantly add too. We have included medical, disability, employment acronyms, as well as phrases you may hear in the workplace.

Please send in your suggestions to

ABIAcquired Brain Injury
ABTActive Based Therapy
ADEAustralian Disability Enterprise
ASCEDAustralian Standard Classification of Education
ATAssistant technology
BECBuilding Employer Confidence
CAPTContinuous Accessible Path of Travel
CHIClosed Head Injury
COGNITIONThe mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
COMORBIDITYThe simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
D&IDiversity & Inclusion
DDDevelopmental Delays
DESCentrelink Program: Disability Employment Program
DISCDisability Inclusion Status Check aka Disability Inclusion Action Plan
DMSDisability Management Service
DRCDisability Royal Commission
ECEmployment Coach
EJPEmployment Journey Plan
ESSEmployment Support Service
FPDNFirst Peoples Disability Network
GDDGlobal Developmental Delay
HYPERSOMNIAExcessive Sleepiness
IDIntellectual Disability
ILOIndependent Living Options
JDJob Description
LIVED EXPERIENCEA person’s own experience of living with a disability or having a close relationship with someone with disability, e.g. a family member or partner.
LMSLearning Management Systems
MAIN JOBThe job in which a person usually works the most hours.
NDAPNational Disability Advocacy Program
NDISNational Disability Insurance Scheme
NEDANational Ethnic Alliance
PDPosition Description
PPEPrincipal Pedestrian Entrance
PTAPost Traumatic Amnesia: a state of confusion that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in which the injured person is disoriented and unable to remember events that occur after the injury. The person may be unable to state their name, where they are and/or what the time is.
S&CStrength & Conditioning
SCISpinal Cord Injury
SCIASpinal Cord Injuries Australia
SDMSupported Decision Making
SILSupported Independent Living
TBITraumatic Brain Injury
TLTeam Leader
TSPTypical Support Package
WORK PLACE ACCOMMODATIONS An adjustment to a work environment eg specialised equipment, extra time to complete tasks etc
WWC or WWCCWorking With Children or Working With Children Check